This is a reminder that there is no school
Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 28.

We wish you a safe and happy spring vacation!

Now Hiring Volleyball Coaches!
Our Athletics Department is looking for a High School Volleyball Coach for the 2025/26 Fall Season (starts in August). We are looking for a motivated individual who would like to work with our CSA District students to help build a solid volleyball program. This is a paid coaching position and all candidates must successfully pass a background check to be considered for the position.
If you are interested in the coaching position or know of someone who is, please send an email with the following information to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo: Coaching or playing experience, general summary of yourself (or resume), and why you would like to be considered for this coaching position. We look forward to hearing from you and getting our student athletes set for another great season.
Candidate information can be emailed to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo, at Ldelorenzo@csaschool.org.