The Stars, Sentries & Sentinels Boosters (Triple S Boosters) was formed by parents of Charyl Stockwell Academy District Students to provide support for the growing After School Student Enrichment Programs (ASEP) at the CSA District. We are a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that is operated completely by Parent Volunteers. Our purpose is to support the CSA District ASEP, Athletic and Extra-Curricular Activities by raising and distributing funds to supplement district resources for after school educational and athletic programs and to promote school spirit through our actions. Our Non-Profit Tax ID # is 27-2866259.
Triple S Boosters meets on the third Wednesday of each month as a group. Separate Division meetings will be determined by each Division Chairperson. All CSA District families, guardians, coaches, teachers and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend the Triple S Booster meetings.