Tuesday, March 18, 2025

A Message From Mr. Matthew Stewart, CSPA & CSAMS Principal

Dear Sentinel Families,

I encourage you and your family to discuss the wonders of our District with your friends and family members. Word of mouth to prospective District families is arguably our best form of marketing. Two events are coming up that will provide opportunities for prospective families to learn more about CSPA.

First, our annual Sentinel Shadow Week will take place Tuesday through Thursday, April 1-3. Please do put these dates on your calendar and spread the word to any out-of-district 2025-26 high school student that you think may be a good addition to our CSA District community.

During our Shadow Week days, current CSPA Sentinel students have the opportunity to invite a friend to shadow them for the entire instructional day. Out-of-district guests will need to complete this Google Form. Current CSPA students who intend to host a guest do NOT need to fill out the Google Form. Also, during those three days, our CSAMS Third Year students will visit CSPA for either a full day shadow or a shorter program that will be presented by our CSPA Leadership Team. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Second, our annual CSPA Arts, Beats and Treats will take place on the evening of Wednesday, May 14. This event, presented by Mrs. Newmeyer and her creative students, is always transcendent. A CSPA Open House for families from surrounding communities who want to learn more about the comprehensive high school experience that CSPA offers will take place at the same time.  

Thank you in advance for marking these events on your calendars, and also for speaking to friends and family about these important opportunities to learn more about how the Stockwell Education Model facilitates high level learning at CSPA.  

In partnership with you,
Matthew Stewart

Upcoming Calendar of Events*
March 17 - 21
Penny Drive
Wednesday, March 19
Winter Athletic Awards Banquet at CSAMS, 7PM
Friday, March 21
Last Day of Third Quarter
March 24 - 28
No School; Spring Break
Monday, March 31
School Resumes
April 1 - 3
Shadow Week Days
Tuesday,  April 8
PSAT/SAT Testing, 8:45 AM
Thursday,  April 10
Juniors have ACT WorkKeys Testing, 8:45 AM
Monday, April 14
CSA District Parent Council Meeting at CSAMS, 6PM

*Please refer to the Online Tandem Calendar for a complete list of upcoming CSA District Athletic, Robotic, Drama/Art, and SEP Events*

Winter Athletic Season Awards Night Tomorrow!

Winter Athletic Season Awards Night will be tomorrow, Wednesday, March 19th at CSAMS. Middle School teams will be recognized at 6:00pm and the High School teams will be recognized at 7:00pm. At the top of each hour, everyone will be meeting in the gym for refreshments and to hear from Mr. Stewart and Mrs. DeLorenzo as we start the night together. Then after that, you will be breaking off into separate rooms for the presentation of team awards.

Please Note: All uniforms must be turned in to Mrs. DeLorenzo by Wednesday, March 19th.

We're Excited to Announce This Year's Penny Drive at CSPA, Organized by Our Student Government!

It’s time to clean out your junk drawer, look in the couch cushions, empty your laundry jar and send in your loose change! Our students love the annual PENNY DRIVE! The Penny Drive will run through this Friday, March 21st.  A bucket will be placed outside of each Advisory and students will have the opportunity to place coins in their bucket or in other Advisory buckets. Pennies, dollars, and checks all count for positive points for the classroom; every penny counts as one point, dollars count as 100 points, and so on. Silver coins count as one negative point for each classroom regardless of the value of the coin. For example, quarters, nickels and dimes all count as one negative point.

At the end of each day the top three Advisories will be announced and the winning Advisory will be announced at the end of the week. The advisory with the most points by the end of the drive will receive a donut party for the whole advisory. We can’t wait to see how much change we can raise together. All proceeds will go to the Student Government fund, supporting student initiative.

Now Hiring Volleyball Coaches!

Our Athletics Department is looking for a High School Volleyball Coach for the 2025/26 Fall Season (starts in August). We are looking for a motivated individual who would like to work with our CSA District students to help build a solid volleyball program. This is a paid coaching position and all candidates must successfully pass a background check to be considered for the position.

If you are interested in the coaching position or know of someone who is, please send an email with the following information to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo: Coaching or playing experience, general summary of yourself (or resume), and why you would like to be considered for this coaching position. We look forward to hearing from you and getting our student athletes set for another great season.

Candidate information can be emailed to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo, at Ldelorenzo@csaschool.org.

Click Here to Register

SAT/PSAT, M-STEP, and ACT WorkKeys Testing Information

CSPA Commitment to Excellence Includes Community Service

CSPA High School students are required to perform 50 hours of community service/volunteerism as a graduation requirement. Community service credit will be given for voluntary activities that help others or are beneficial to the community. Students earn credit for hours spent participating in the actual activity, not for meeting and planning time. Students are responsible for getting a Community Service Sponsor Sheet signed and dated for each activity.

Click HERE for a printable Community Service Sponsor Sheet.

Life After CSPA: Preparing for College & Career

Preparation is embedded in the Charyl Stockwell Preparatory Academy name. That preparation is grounded in the belief that people who are capable, caring, and self- directed learners will be successful in life no matter what they choose to do after they leave High School. Learning is a lifelong pursuit and we are committed to providing students with the skills they need for work and life. 

We have created a permanent link to post-secondary resources that will appear at the bottom of this and all CSPA newsletters. Additionally, we have included a link for active scholarship opportunities. Visit these resources often to find helpful links and opportunities for all students, regardless of their post-CSPA plans.