CSA District Athletics is administered through the Student Enrichment Program (SEP) and is a pay-to-participate program. Families can register their students and pay online for each sport they would like their child(ren) to participate in. Visit the Student Enrichment Program Weekly Page to access online registration, or click HERE. Please refer to the ONLINE TANDEM CALENDAR to view a listing of all athletic practices and games. The tandem calendar is our school districts after school athletic/enrichment calendar. It will show where the team's practices/games are taking place at, the time and any other pertinent information related to that sport you may need to know.
Explorer and Middle School Athletics (CSAMS Sentries) are members of the Mid-Michigan Independent Athletics Association (MMIAA).
High School Athletics (CSPA Sentinels) is a member of the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) and plays in the Michigan Independent Athletic Conference (MIAC). Click HERE to view the Sentinels website.
Our Athletics Department is looking for a High School Volleyball Coach for the 2025/26 Fall Season (starts in August). We are looking for a motivated individual who would like to work with our CSA District students to help build a solid volleyball program. This is a paid coaching position and all candidates must successfully pass a background check to be considered for the position.
If you are interested in the coaching position or know of someone who is, please send an email with the following information to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo: Coaching or playing experience, general summary of yourself (or resume), and why you would like to be considered for this coaching position. We look forward to hearing from you and getting our student athletes set for another great season.
Candidate information can be emailed to our CSA District Athletic Director, Laurie DeLorenzo, at Ldelorenzo@csaschool.org.
Students do not need to pay or register with SEP until AFTER they have tried-out and they have made a CSA District athletic team. However, Students are required to have a completed athletic physical form and signed parent/athlete concussion form on file in order to participate in any try-out. This is mandated by state and federal law. A valid 2024-25 physical examination must be completed on or after April 15, 2024. Download the physical form HERE. Download the parent/athlete concussion form form HERE.